Freelancing is indeed a good way to earn money while in leisure. But it is worthy to know before starting whether it's really possible to get a freelancing job easily or not.
It was the year 2006 when I was with my friend Tamal, roaming around Kolkata race course and nearby places. We were in college. Certainly something good had to be done. Some money making trick was in my mind for which I already started hosting Google Ads on my blog. I asked Tamal if we can setup a small brand to develop Websites or not. He appreciated my idea and agreed to join me. Struggles apart we headed to create another Google story. The dream is yet to come true. While aimed for Sun we atleast succeeded to land on moon. Believe me or not, we made approx two thousand dollars in first three months. The sum is fair enough for an Indian college student.
Truly speaking nothing happened on its own. Hours of exhaustive efforts and self belief made it possible. And I must thank (now to give us the excellent platform to learn artefacts of freelancing.